UD. Budi Guna Indonesia was estabilished in Kampung Baru, Makale, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia in 1980 and was founded by Mr. Ng Kinpong the first Generation of our family that migration from Fujian, China to Indonesia. From the start, the nature of our business has been based on integrity, trustwothiness and reputation. We are continually developing and up grading our product to get the best result of our product. Currently we already have branch warehouses in several locations in Indonesia
We do the first export to Hongkong
We expand business market to China, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand
To anticipate the rapid development of the company on February 2004 we moved the processing warehouse to Jalan Ahmad Yani No.124, Jember, East Java in Java Island, Indonesia.
We finish build another procesing warehouse in Jalan MT. Haryono No.125, Ponorogo, Indonesia.
We realize that working closely with the farmers will, undoubtedly keep our business sustainable. We maintain such mutual relationship to strengthen farmers’ position and to ensure the availability of raw-material regular supply of high quality standard. We serve the farmers with cooperation such as lend the land for managed and free consultancy about product quality.
Our existence in the center of production areas has enabled us to build closer sourcing network to farmers. No doubt this strategic location has so far, generated mutual benefits, advantages, and efficient network sourcing frontiers. At the end of our existence which we are standing by the farm gate, we eagerly to bring the best quality Indonesia produces with added value touch to the gates of global users.
Our company has several certification based on international standar, including: